How to Find the Best Cyber Security Consulting Company?

Cyber ​​crime is increasing at an alarming rate as our lives and businesses become more digital. According to Juniper Research, the cost of data breaches will be a $ 2 trillion industry worldwide by 2019.

In light of growing cyber threats, security is no longer an option, it is necessary. Whether you are a small, medium or large organization, your important business data can be compromised at any time. If your business doesn't have strong protection, start looking for a reliable cyber security solution now.

When looking for a cybersecurity solutions  company, be sure to find and select the best service. Do not solve average or below average. Only the best cyber security services can guarantee your digital presence.

Here's how to find and select a trustworthy and trustworthy cybersecurity consulting service.

Know what you need

Before looking for security services, you must identify the cybersecurity needs of your company. Most companies need solutions such as firewalls, data loss prevention, intrusion detection systems, ransomware protection solutions, network security, system security, and cloud security.

Cyber ​​security audits or assessments can help identify security needs and loopholes. There are many cyber security companies that offer cheap or free security assessment services.

Select the best service and see their reputation and experience

So now you know your security needs. The next step is to nominate two or three cybersecurity consulting firms. Next, you need to analyze your reputation and experience in your niche or industry. You will also do your homework on the technologies, techniques and approaches used to implement the service.

Read online reviews of previous jobs left by previous clients. Take a look at your website and read the recommendations left by your clients. You can even contact them directly to get information about their experience and services. Ideally, choose someone who has experience in your industry and has a good name.

Evaluate the team

Trusted cybersecurity companies are always backed by talented, experienced, and dedicated professionals. Without trained staff, they cannot insure their business. Check the team profile on the company website. Take an online survey of each team member and look up their credentials to find out where they have worked in the past.


Also, in addition to education, check team size, training and certification of team members. You can call them or even contact them by email to request this information. If your security professional has certifications like CISSP, CISA, CISM, proceed to the next step.

Cut and dice your serve

Many companies make big claims about cybersecurity services, but keep in mind that they lack the skills and technology to implement the service. Again, you must first review your needs and analyze them against your company's solutions.

Ideally, a large workforce is required if the company offers a wide range of services. If you specialize in a particular area, they must have sharp skills in their niche. Call them and ask how to implement the service and solution. The more details you provide about the service, the better.

Important cyber security services you need include:

  • Security governance
  • ·         Network security
  • ·         Security compliance
  • ·         Security operation
  • ·         Security system
  • ·         Cloud security
  • ·         Data security

You should also request details of the service and the solution, such as pricing details, insurance coverage, and contract flexibility.

Reports and performance evaluations

A good cybersecurity company should be able to provide important reports and analysis on a monthly basis. You need to know what they are doing and how they are doing it. They should be able to provide reports and other details as per the terms of the agreement. You should also analyze the metrics that you use to evaluate performance.

Solution scalability

Before choosing a cyber security service, make sure that the solution provided is scalable. Ideally, the cybersecurity model should evolve with the business without causing a lot of business interruption and downtime. Also, the contract requires room for necessary changes as needed.




Benefits of Managed Security Services for Small and Medium Businesses

Cyber ​​security for small businesses

Companies around the world are tackling an increasing number of complex and destructive security threats, such as DDoS attacks, phishing scams, advanced malware, and ransomware. The evolution of cybercriminals means that organizations must protect their environment from an ever-growing set of harmful threats. Forrester, IDC, and other IT security analyst firms are increasingly partnering with Managed Security Service Providers (MSSPs) to implement the talent, processes, and technologies necessary to enhance their security programs. I am confirming it. MSSP provides ongoing monitoring, risk management, and control implementations to protect your business critical assets and data. Additionally, MSSPs have the potential to protect almost any critical device that an organization may use in its daily work.

According to a survey by the Verizon Breach Report, 60% of cyberattacks against businesses are due to financial reasons. However, the number of incidents related to espionage and intellectual property infringement is also increasing. Even if the breach is not financially focused, the cost of these violations averages millions of dollars, money that a typical small business cannot afford to lose.

According to a 2016 report published by the Online Trust Alliance, 91% of security breaches were preventable. With the right cybersecurity solution, we could have eliminated critical vulnerabilities that were ultimately targeting the attacker. However, in most cases it is not reasonable to hold the company liable for non-compliance. Small business owners and managers rarely have IT security experience and are already doing a lot to prioritize cybersecurity risks and implement required protocols. It has no bandwidth.

Benefits of Managed Security Services for Small and Medium Businesses

This is why small businesses should consider investing in cheap cybersecurity solutions. Here are five benefits of running an MSSP business:

Risk Mitigation - A company's security can only be compromised by an employee or related party who clicks on a malicious link in the email. This is also called fishing. The simple act of clicking on a link can lead to a malware infection, among other security threats. Once it enters your system, it is more difficult to handle the problem than to prevent it in the first place. MSSP handles security related tasks and ensures that your business is not threatened by cybersecurity threats.

Focus on core competencies - Outsourcing security to MSSP allows you to focus on the core areas of your business. Even with surveillance, the threat does not stop. The best option for you is to hire an expert with the tools and expertise to monitor your environment 24/7 and make sure your security regime is optimized.

Leveraging Experienced Professionals: MSSP offers comprehensive cybersecurity services and solutions. They constantly improve and update their tools and techniques to identify and minimize threats that evolve over time. As cybercrime continues to evolve, it is difficult to keep up with the cybersecurity threats that businesses face. Managed services offer a variety of solutions to protect your network.

Ensuring protection as technology evolves: As businesses grow, they need additional cybersecurity solutions to protect their networks, employees, and customers. This means that more devices will be added to the existing infrastructure. Choosing a cost-effective small business cybersecurity solution will help you address threats as they continue to grow. Otherwise, dealing with security issues can be a daunting and expensive task.

Adopt a proven strategy - Even if you decide to tackle cybersecurity threats internally, it takes time to devise a comprehensive strategy. Meanwhile, the network becomes more vulnerable. MSSP can provide a customized security plan that can be implemented quickly and efficiently. This plan will help you fully cover your infrastructure and protect your business from the threats you face now and the threats you will inevitably have to defend in the future.


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